We’ve launched a profile series to highlight how artists are spending their time during the quarantine. Several times a week we’ll highlight a new artist across the globe and see how they’re keeping busy during COVID-19 lockdowns.

If you’re in search of a catchy new vibe of a song, be sure to check out Medium Build’s “Good At Being Lonely” and thank me later…if you scroll down you can have a listen now. I came across this tune a couple of months back and it’s been on quite a bit in my rotation. Not to mention, Medium Build also has a lot of other musical gems we should be keeping an eye on. We had a chat with Nick about his project and what life has been like in Alaska (yes you heard me right, Anchorage to be exact) during the quarantine.

Medium Build Online: Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp | Website


Where have you been spending your quarantine?

I’ve been spending most of my quarantine in Anchorage, Alaska. My parents are here. As well as my brother and my 6-year-old nephew. 

How have you been staying busy during quarantine?

I have been ice skating and watching anime.

Anything new you’ve learned?

I’ve been learning how to play the drums! There’s a set at the brewery I work at and I try to sneak a few rips in every day.

What quarantine trend have you fallen prey to?

Ya I did it all. I watched tiger king. made an only fans. baked some sourdough. broke up with my best friend. did puzzles with my mom. Adopted a cat. Got super into tik tok. Played a drive-in concert. Ordered takeout. Fought boomers on Facebook. Voted by mail. Cut my own hair. Bleached my own clothing. Quit drinking. Started drinking. Hooked up with an ex. Thought I had covid but didn’t. Gathered outside. Walked. 

Go to quarantine snack:

Go to lockdown snack is ramen 🍜 .  Or an apple & peanut butter.

What’s something you miss the most right now?

I miss the second run dollar theater probably more than I miss anything. We have one in town that has a kitchen attached. The only place I’ve ever been able to watch Blazing Saddles and Frozen on the same day while drinking a banana milkshake.

Something keeping Medium Build sane right now:

Something keeping Medium Build sane right now:

Are there any live stream concerts/events you’ve really been inspired by or enjoying right now?

I like watching Kacey Johansing play from home. She has unmatched comfort in the live stream. Makes it feel like ur in the room with her.

What do you hope we take away from this?

An appreciation for our immune systems. I’ve spent so much time in crowded places, yet before 2020 I had never once pondered particulate or my distance to someone else. I feel like the masks might make the immune system think we don’t appreciate the job it had been doing. We weren’t paying attention before, but we are now. I appreciate your white blood cells. I’m just calling in some reinforcements (insert picture of my blue sequined mask) for a while til we figure this thing out. 

What’s a puzzle you’ve completed during quarantine?

Still working on the puzzle that is my Instagram algorithm. You know when u got a nice sunset in ur town and ur whole feed is sunsets for a day. I’d really like to figure out how to get 50 percent celebrities and 50 percent friends. Maybe 40 celebs/40 friends/ 20 frog memes. Maybe I need new friends or I need a handful of friends to move away so I can see different weather patterns across my feed. Please send advice.

Anything new we should know about that you’re working on?

A pal and I are building a new studio down the stairs from my apartment so I’m gonna hole up there til the vaccine 💉 pops off and make a record. Been in a sad folk and slow RnB phase lately. Expect acoustic guitar and chimey keyboards. Expect a ton of vocal harmonies and hints of ego death strewn throughout.