QUARANTINE PROFILE: Eliza & The Delusionals

We’ve launched a profile series to highlight how artists are spending their time during the quarantine. Several times a week we’ll highlight a new artist across the globe and see how they’re keeping busy during COVID-19 lockdowns.
We had a quarantine chat with Eliza Klatt, lead singer & guitarist for Eliza & The Delusionals. Quarantine may be a different life in Australia as compared to us here in the US, but there are still some setbacks. However, making music isn’t one of them. Eliza & The Delusionals have been busy releasing some new tunes in the meantime before they can hit the road again.
Eliza & The Delusionals Online: Website | Spotify | Facebook | Twitter | instagram
It’s not exactly quarantine in my home, but when we were recording "Sentimental" we did it in an Airbnb rather than a studio right before the whole country went into full lockdown. So here’s a photo from that!
Where have you been spending your quarantine?
Since we've been back from the US, I've been staying at home in Pottsville. We've built a home studio for recording and writing this year, so I've been spending most of my time there this year.
How have you been staying busy during quarantine? (or not keeping busy is totally fine too)
For being at home all year, it's been super busy. We've spent pretty much all of this year writing and demoing and things like that, which is something we wouldn't have had a lot of time to do if all of our touring plans went ahead as planned.
What quarantine trend have you fallen prey to?
I've definitely fallen victim to spending way longer than I should on TikTok... Not so much the dancing side of it, but I think it filled a Vine shaped hole in my heart and kept me entertained for the few hours before bed.
What’s something new you’ve cooked/baked?
It's not really new but myself and Kurt (our guitarist) always make this really yum vegan mac and cheese. It's the ultimate comfort food, and it's been especially comforting this year.
Go to quarantine snack:
Anything with hummus.
Song (or album) you’ve had on repeat:
For me, it has to be Fake It Flowers by Beabadoobee or Hayley Williams' Petals for Armour. I did make a playlist of some of my faves from 2020 if you want to check it out as well!
What’s a song that is your go-to comfort jam?
I think one of my favourite songs of 2020 was Why We Ever from Hayley Willams' new album. She did a stripped back version of it from her house peak-quarantine and it was probably one of my favourite stripped back versions of a song. It's super comforting and a really incredible song.
Something keeping Eliza sane right now: Besides writing songs all year in our home studio, I think that living near a beach that’s always empty has been a really nice escape from things when they’ve been too hectic this yea
If you could only watch one film or TV show for the rest of time what would it be?
1000% Friends. I've watched it soooo many times through now.
What is keeping you happy?
Writing music has kept me very happy this year, along with creating our first proper home studio. I will also say Animal Crossing has also kept me happy through 2020.
What’s the best advice you’ve received during this time?
Probably to make time to take care of yourself. It's been one of the hardest years for myself and the guys. I think a big key lesson I've learnt is that it's so important to have time to yourself doing things that are mindless and relaxing, it makes a massive difference on your mental health and your outlook towards work, and you shouldn't feel bad for taking time off.
What’s something you miss the most right now?
Touring in America. We were on such a high and had such a massive year planned playing with some of our favourite artists and dream festivals, so it was really difficult to have that taken away from us so suddenly. I think I can speak for everyone about how much we miss being over there and playing shows every night.
Are there any livestream concerts/events you’ve really been inspired by or enjoying right now?
We were all huge fans of Beabadoobee's album livestream. It sounded and looked amazing and really raised the bar for live streaming in 2020!
What do you hope we take away from this?
I guess that even though 2020 was a really f*cked year, there are still some positives you can take out of it.
What’s a puzzle you’ve completed during quarantine?
I think I'd have to be the only one in the world that didn't have a puzzle phase during quarantine... Maybe it's because I didn't take myself to Kmart to get one haha.
Anything new we should know about that you’re working on?
We just put out our new single "Sentimental" and we've spent all year writing and eventually recording some new music. So you can definitely keep an eye out for us in 2021.