Dagny // House of Blues, Boston

Dagny -- House of Blues, Boston, MA | 11 October 2017 // Photos & words by Carter Howe
I can’t fully articulate what it’s like to be in the presence of Dagny, the up-and-coming Norwegian pop artist currently on tour with LANY. All I can say is that you can feel her warm, infectious aura from even ten feet away — which was about how far I was when we shot portraits outside the House of Blues in Boston, MA, before her show last Thursday. It was one of the most successful portrait shoots I've had to date.
As a photographer, it means the world when the artist you’re working with respects what you do. Dagny was a refreshing change of pace from the stone cold personas that litter cities like Boston and New York. She was full of questions, asking about Boston and America photography, and if I needed anything else from her. All I could do was smile and shake my head.
Light and elegant, she was a natural in front of the camera; strangers walking by stopped and said, “You look beautiful today.” I don’t think she knows the affect her presence has on people, which is the best thing you could ask for in a new artist.
We finished our shoot and a few hours later, Dagny took the stage at the House of Blues. She knew exactly what she was doing. Much like she worked the camera, she worked the stage, her smile illuminating the crowd, and I knew that even the people in the back of the crowd felt a little lighter than they did before. As I looked back, the front row was beaming. Openers don’t usually have that effect on people. It was magical to see her warm a crowd.
Keep on the lookout for Dagny’s dancing platinum blonde hair in the near future. Her latest single, “Love You Like That” is out now.